About Sport Psychology Coaching

About sports psychology coaching and mental performance coaching for athletes, parents, and coaches by Peak Performance Sports, LLC at Peaksports.com.

What do Sports Psychologist Do?

About Sports Psychology

What Does a Sport Psychologist Do for Athletes? Do you ever wonder what a sports psychologist does to help athletes? The greatest myth in athletics is that sport psychology is just for crazy athletes, “head cases” and those who choke under pressure, bub misconception keeps many athletes away from reaping the benefits of sport psychology. … Sport Psychology Article>>

Sports Psychology By Video Conference

All About Sports Psychology

Virtual Sports Psychology Coach With video conferencing technology today, you can join a sports psychology coaching session face to face–from anywhere in the world. At Peak Performance Sports, we conduct sports psychology coaching for athletes in person, via telephone, or Skype. Athletes and parents want to know the best option for mental training. In this … Sport Psychology Article>>

Sports Psychology And Kids

Sports Psychology

Steps For Sports Success If your young athlete has trouble staying composed in competition, loses confidence or composure after mistakes, or does not perform well in competition compared to practice, then one-on-one mental training is the best option to help your athletes improve his or her mental game. At Peak Performance Sports we get a … Sport Psychology Article>>

Sports Psychology and Parents and Coaches Role

Sports Psychology and Parents Role

At Peak Performance Sports, we think it’s important to involve everyone in an athlete’s support group during the sport psychology coaching process. The more people who are involved in the coaching process, the better results for the athlete. Should parents be involved in the sports psychology coaching process? Yes, it’s very important for parents to … Sport Psychology Article>>

Sports Psychology Assessments: Do they help?

Sports Psychology Assessments

Early in my career, I didn’t use sports psychology assessments to help uncover athletes’ mental game challenges. When I was at The University of Virginia study sports psychology, Bob Rotella had me and others believe assessment were worthless; they did not make sense in the real world. But Rotella was referring to standardized tests developed … Sport Psychology Article>>