Sports Psychology Articles

Maintaining Confidence After a Bad Performance

Bouncing Back From a Bad Performance

How This Pro Bounces Back From a Bad Game Every athlete in every sport will have a bad performance. There are no exemptions from this rule… It is true for all athletes. Yes, it stinks… Yes, it is hard to take… And, yes, sometimes it happens at the most inopportune times… You can’t change that bad game, poor play, or …

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Overcoming Anxiety on The Course

Playing Relaxed in Sports

The Secret to Playing Relaxed Golf Sinking a putt on the 18th hole, just when you need it most, can be challenging. As all golfers know, anxiety is your enemy on the golf course… Anxiety causes your body to be tense or shaky. Anxiety forces your shot off line, throws off your approach shot and, in the worst case, could …

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Maintaining an Emotional Balance for Athletes

sports parents and mental coaching

How to Keep an Even Keel During Competition It is not easy to control your emotions and maintain composure during a competition, although it’s extremely necessary if you are to continue developing your game… There are many things that can knock you off your game: “Even Keel” Refers to Maintaining an Emotional Balance An even keel is when you don’t …

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Do You Need Help With Your Mental Game?

Improving Your Mental Game

10 Ways to Improve Your Mental Game This is a very important question because sport performance is largely mental. Every component of practice, rehab from injury, and competitive performance is strongly impacted by your mental game. 10 ways to Improve your Mental Game Include: Keep in mind, this list is just scratching the surface. Everything you do, from the car …

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How Do You Improve Mental Toughness in Tennis?

Developing Mental Toughness

‘My Game is My Mental Toughness’ Says Williams What does success in tennis require? Of course, success requires physical practice and technical skills but that is not enough. Tennis is more than being quick, having a strong aerobic capacity and having good strokes. Throughout the course of your tennis training and competitive career, you will have a lot of adversity. …

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