Sports Psychology Articles

Sports psychology articles and mental performance coaching for athletes, performers, parents, and coaches.

Sports Psychology Improves Life Skills Too

Sports Psychology

Gaining Life Skills From Sports Psychology Parents of athletes who have joined a sports psychology program often report that their son or daughter has learned valuable mental skills beyond the athletic field. They say their kids not only improved confidence and focusing skills for sports, but also were able to apply these same skills to … Sport Psychology Article>>

When Are Kids Ready for Sports Psychology?

Sports Psychology

Introducing Sports Psychology to Young Athletes Many sports parents want their kids to participate in a sport psychology coaching program. At Peak Performance Sports, we help parents find out if their kids are good candidates for a mental training program and can benefit from it. In this article, I’ll assume that your athletes are not … Sport Psychology Article>>

Helping Young Athletes Accept Sports Psychology

Sports Psychology

Embracing Sport Psychology in Youth Sports Many sports parents and coaches want to know how to help athletes accept sports psychology as a means to improve performance. Parents are unsure about how to introduce young athletes to sports psychology. Many athletes just do not understand what mental training really is. In our survey, 53% of … Sport Psychology Article>>

Applying Sports Psychology Strategies is Hard

Sports Psychology

Understanding Mental Toughness Sports psychology experts often talk about the importance of learning mental toughness to improve your performance. However, my 20 years of teaching the sport psychology to students makes me think that understanding mental toughness skills is the easy part. To be successful with mental toughness training, you must learn how to apply … Sport Psychology Article>>