Sports Psychology Web Sites

Tennis Psychology JuniorsPeak Performance Sports is the online leader in delivering practical mental training resources and programs to athletes, coaches, and sports parents.

Please browse our partner websites and find the resources that best fits your needs.

You can choose from four categories of sites below–from sports specific websites to boost your mental game to online mental training websites.

Our Top Mental Training Website:

Peak Performance Sports at was started by Dr. Cohn in 1996. It was one of the first websites on the net to exclusively highlighting the psychology of sports and mental training for athletes.

Sports Specific Web Sites

Peak Performance Sports has several sport-related websites focusing on the mental game and mental training for sports. You can get expert mental game articles, mental coaching, and products for baseball, hockey, soccer, and tennis.

Sport Psychology for Kids and Parents

We also offer two youth sports/sports parenting websites for young athletes, parents, and coaches. Youth Sports Psychology and Kids’ Sports Psychology help young athletes learn how to take control of their confidence and success in sports.

Mental Game Coach Certification:

The Mental Game Coaching Professional (MGCP) certification program is a proven sports psychology performance enhancement system developed by leading sports psychology expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn. Drawing from over 20 years of experience as a mental game coach, sports mental training expert and former athlete, Dr. Cohn has developed the MGCP program to give you the coaching tools to help your athletes overcome performance obstacles and find “the zone.”