Mental Game Coaching

mental game coaching articles about sports psychology and mental performance coaching for athletes and coaches.

What is Mental Game Coaching?

Video of The Week

Mental Coaching Programs For Athletes In “Sports Psychology Sessions with Doc,” Dr. Patrick Cohn answers sports psychology questions from athletes, parents and coaches. Visit Sports Psychology for Athletes at and click on contact us to submit your mental game questions for Dr. Cohn to answer in his mental game videocast or podcast. Are you … Sport Psychology Article>>

How Can Sports Psychology Help?

Sports Psychology

The Benefits of Sports Psychology What kind of results can the typical athlete who receives sports psychology coaching expect to see? Sports psychology and mental toughness coaching is not a one-size-fits-all solution to performance issues in sports.  Results vary from athlete to athlete and are contingent upon factors such as a desire to improve mental … Sport Psychology Article>>

What is Sports Psychology?

Sports Psychology

Mental Training For Sports Sports psychology coaching and mental toughness training are necessary components to developing healthy attitudes and mental game that improve performance and allow for consistent, winning performances! Below are some of the most frequently asked questions about sports psychology answered by leading sports psychology expert , Dr. Patrick Cohn. To learn more … Sport Psychology Article>>