Sports Psychology and Competing

Sports psychology and competing articles about sports psychology and mental performance coaching for athletes and coaches.

Helping Athletes Give Full Effort in Sports – Video

Sport Psychology Video

In this sports psychology podcast, Dr. Cohn helps parents understand a young athlete who has fragile confidence. Here is the question Dr. Cohn answers in this episode. Nick said: “I feel that some young athletes think they are “trying hard” but have no clue about what trying hard actually feels like. My son plays hockey … Sport Psychology Article>>

Sport Psychology Success: Learning to Application

Sports Psychology Strategies for Competition

At Peak Performance Sports, we understand that mental training with athletes using sports psychology strategies is only the first step to improving performance. Our ultimate goal is for athletes to take this education and apply it to their sports performance. If an athlete understands sports psychology strategies, such as how to refocus when distracted, but … Sport Psychology Article>>

Applying Sports Psychology Strategies is Hard

Sports Psychology

Understanding Mental Toughness Sports psychology experts often talk about the importance of learning mental toughness to improve your performance. However, my 20 years of teaching the sport psychology to students makes me think that understanding mental toughness skills is the easy part. To be successful with mental toughness training, you must learn how to apply … Sport Psychology Article>>